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                       Your Country is: United States

New Vendor Registration Form

                Enter Referral #     
* Information must be entered.

Company Name:  
  *First Name:  
  *Last Name:  
  Physical Street Address ONLY -NO- PO Box's entered here
Suite or P.O. Box:  


  *Phone:    Format (123-456-7890) 
Fax:    Format (123-456-7890) 
Years in Business:     
Travel Miles:    (The number of miles you are willing to travel to an event 200 miles Max)
Main Product you Sell,  
                                    Max 50 characters    
Main Product you Sell,   
                                    Max 50 characters        
Select Categories Category A:                                                                                                           Sub Category A:  Coming Soon
Category B: Sub Category B:  Coming Soon
If not on Category List    

Enter new Category only if it is not listed in the Category list above. We may select your category .


Note: Logon & Passwords are both Case Sensitive.

  *Logon Name:    Format (5 - 12 characters, no spaces) 
  *Password:   Format (8 - 12 characters, no spaces) 
  *Re-Enter Password   Format (8 - 12 characters, no spaces) 

****** New Vendor Signup Incentive  ******

Because we are in the process of establishing the initial database we would like to extend some additional savings to vendors who sign up first. 
You have a choice...

  12 Months PLUS 6 Months Free
       for the regular subscription price of
$19.95  ($10.00 Savings)

  12 Months at a reduced Start-Up Price of $14.95  ($5.00 Savings)

   FREE Listing with limited access to the Power Features. Click here for details)
       Note: For a short period of time all Vendors will have full access.  Activating Full
                Access is manual, therefore, there may be a 48 hour delay before you have
                full access rights. 

       Although, subscribing will greatly help us to build the site, we would really appreciate
       your support. 

                                               Enjoy the free access!!!

*Please note:   We will from time to time send an email to notify you of different services we provide or modifications to our system.  We will also send you emails of events that are in your area.  As a registered member of VendorsInc, you are expected to respond to the event coordinators who are interested in utilizing your services.  Even if you choose not to attend, it is good business courtesy to reply with a quick message: i.e.: "Not Available to attend" or "No Thank You".  You are also required to maintain your account by logging into your account every 3 months.  This will assure us that you are still an active vendor.  If you do not login every 3 months (90 days), you will be notified and your account will become inactive and remain inactive until you login with your vendor number.  Only active accounts will receive event notifications, therefore, be sure you stay active.  We will also have wholesalers, distributors, and manufacturers available for you to view their products and offerings.  As long as you are active, you will have access to these very valuable program offerings.

As a registered member of our database, you have access to several benefits.  Please be sure to view our site and utilize the tools and information. 

Thank you for becoming a member and joining our database.  We are certain it will be more than you expect and we will continue to include different services as we proceed forward.  If you have recommendations, we are interested in hearing anything that can add value to our web site.  Our focus is on customer satisfaction and we will do our best to assure every customer receives our best efforts with the service we provide.

Your logon name and password are not to be shared with anyone.  Only one active session from a Vendor number is possible.  We will also track IP addresses and logon dates.  Any vendor who abuses this policy will be warned once and then your account will be deactivated.  If you require multi user access, forward an email to Support@Vendorsinc.com and we will review and respond to your request.