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Free Vendor Listing

Just being part of the database will allow you to see all the events taking place in and around your area. Event Coordinators will be able to see your information, however they will not be able to contact you.  You will also have access to the Vendor Locator which will show you all the vendors in your area.

As a subscriber to VendorsInc, you will have full access to the following features:

  • Event Coordinator Names and contact information.
  • Receive automatic emails of events that have just posted in your area.
  • Access to the Over-Stock Listing page where you can post over-stock products and see others who have products posted for sale or barter.
  • Access to the Wholesale and Distributors Page.

As we identify other areas that can assist Vendors and Event Coordinators, we will gladly incorporate those features to make this the best site on the internet.

Yes we are getting started and I realize all the services are being built at this time.  That is why we are offering: reduced subscription pricing or including an additional 6 months absolutely FREE at this time. 

We are working diligently to complete this site and we ask for your support in assisting us in getting all the Vendors you know to get their information in our database.  The services listed above will certainly assist you in being more successful by being more informed of the events in your area.  Having access to the Wholesalers and Distributors is a great feature and will save you a lot of time, work and money.

You can still subscribe...   

Subscription access for 12 Months
PLUS 6 Month Bonus = Total 18 Months

Enter your Vendor Number:          $19.95

Subscription access for 12 Months
includes a $5.00 Credit

Enter your Vendor Number:          $14.95

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me and I will do my best to provide you with an answer as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your support,

John Barbieri

Division of Case Advertising Co.
Copyright 2006 - 2015