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Vendor Directory of Flea Market Events, Arts and Crafts & Private Event Listings and Shows

The first Nationwide
Market, Street & Craft Vendor database.
Free Event Listing click here

Click Here for Details

Get on the list.. It's FREE... signup here

This website provides access to Street,  Flea Market & arts and crafts vendors throughout the United States.  Its main use is to connect the listed vendors with local municipalities, non-profit organizations or anyone who is interested in running street fairs, arts and crafts shows, fund raisers, and flea markets.  Our vendor directory is growing every day.

The information is keep current at all times so that the users are always assured their time is not wasted by vendors who have moved on and may no longer be in business.

If you are a vendor, and not in our vendor directory, it is surely in your best interest to sign up today. 

Click here -> :Vendor Signup  It's FREE

If you are running municipal events, our vendor directory will automatically notify flea market, food vendors & arts and crafts vendors within a geographical distance from your municipal location.    It will also allow you to run your own event

Even though this site and database are under construction, all the different sections are being developed while you are reading this. 

Please feel free to sign up for our Rewards Program as this helps us to populate the database and it offers you $4.00 for every vendor who subscribes with your Referral Number. Because we are under construction and the functionality is limited, we are accepting Vendor subscriptions with discounts while we build a site that will greatly help you moving forward. Flea markets in your area is a great place to start.

There are 3 plans available at this time which will save you money and allow us the time to assure this site meets your expectations and more. Visit our Vendor Signup page for details. Our staff is working diligently to provide you with a site that is user friendly and offers Great Value.

Everyday we are making progress, therefore, please be sure to check back periodically to see what we have accomplished.

As indicated above, to assist us in acquiring  quality vendors, we have in place a Rewards Program. Click here for more details.  This program can be used by both vendors and anyone who acquires a qualified vendor for our database.  This is truly a WIN WIN opportunity.

Sign up now... IT'S FREE

The following areas of the site are complete:

  • Event Listing ( private events, flea markets and arts and crafts shows)
  • Event Update & Edit
  • Event Viewing (Public & Vendors)
  • Vendor Registration
  • Vendor Ads (V-Ads)
  • Links Page
  • Event Layout Page
  • Donations Page

While the are complete for the initial startup, we will continue to refine each one to assure the page is user friendly.

What are we working on?

  • Contacting Event coordinators to list events
  • Contacting the Municipalities around the US
  • Contacting organizations throughout US
  • Online Event Spot purchase for vendors.
  • Event Survey results

Stay tuned...  More information coming soon!!!


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